Charlie Feathers
Charlie Feathers
Original T.V.Sound Track N.B.C.
We're Getting Closer
Side A
1.Stutterin' Sindy
2.Tear It Up
3. We're Getting Closer
4.Coochi Coo
Side B
1. Tongue Tied Jill
2. Get With It
3.Walking The Dog
4. Charlie Feathers Talks
Vo.Charlie Feathers
UB.Pee Wee Truitte
EG.Bubba Feathers
Charlie Feathers Discography
チャーリー フェザーズ
Coochi Coo
Rabbit Action
Side One
2. Junior Thonpson - Rhythm Called Rock And Roll
4. Junior Thonpson - Rabbit Action
7. Junior Thompson - Rock Me Baby
Record Data
Kenny Parchman - Treat Me Right(2)
Ken Cook - Problem Child
Glenn Honey Cutt - All Night Rock
Today's Compilation Record Is
Rabbit Action.
⬇︎ Sitting In The Balcony 🏠
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(Covid 19)
I'm praying from the bottom of my heart for the health and happiness of you and your family.
May 2022 be a happy and great year for you.😊
The Lost Starday Recordings
The Lost Starday Recordings
Side One
1. Sonny Fisher - Rocking Daddy Alt.Take
2. Cousin Arnold - Be My Baby Baby Doll
3. Rocking Martin - All Because Of you
6. Luke Gordon - Baby's Gone
7. Raindrops - I don't Want A Sweatheart
Side Two
1. Ruddy Gaddis - Uranium Fever
2. Glen Barber - Atom Bomb
4. R.D. Hendon - Big Black Cat
5. Hal Payne - Honky Tonk Stomp
6. Jim Eanes - I Gotta Know
Record Data
⬇︎ Sitting In The Balcony
Starday Records
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(Covid 19)
I'm praying from the bottom of my heart for the health and happiness of you and your family.
AAAAHHHH Rockabilly
Tom James
AAAAHHHH Rockabilly
Side One
1 Tom James - Track Down Baay
3 The Round Up Boys - Rock And Roll Baby
4 Lee Ebert - Let's Jive It
6 Steve Stephens And The Stevedores - Weird Session
7 Virgel Bozman - Blues For Oklahoma
Side Two
3 Rikki And The Rikatones - T.N.T.
4 Rikki And The Rikatones - Whiphash
5 Joe Poovey - Part Time Hero
6 Jim Owen - Sie Simon Shuffle
Record Data
Joe Poovey
⬇︎ Sitting In The Balcony🏠
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I'm praying from the bottom of my heart for the health and happiness of you and your family.
Olympic Rock
Jack Earls
Side Two
1 . Jack Earls - Flip Flop And Fly
2. Jack Earls - Rock Bop
3. Ray Taylor & Alabama Pals - Connie Lou
4. Ray Taylor & Alabama Pals - My Hamtramck Baby
Jack Earls with his childs,
Memphis, Tennessee
Record Data
⬇︎ Sitting In The Balcony🏠
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I'm praying from the bottom of my heart for the health and happiness of you and your family.
Have a wonderful day!
Rockabilly Volume One
Speed Limit
My Favorite Rockabilly And Rock'n'Roll.
Side One
1. Tommy Lam With Bob Pauley & His Plamtation PlayBoys - Speed Limit
2. Don Terry - Knees Shakin'
3. Tiny Tim And His Tornadoes - Teenage Lover
4. The Van Brothers - Servant Of Love
5. Charlie Brown And His Lazy V-Hands - Mean Mean Mama,%20Mean
6. Mike Page - Long Black Shiny Car
⬇︎ Sitting In The Balcony🏠
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I'm praying from the bottom of my heart for the health and happiness of you and your family.Have a wonderful day!
Virginia Rockabilly And Country
Virginia Rockabilly And Country
Side One
1 . Hender Saul / I Ain't Gonna Rock - Tonight
5. Leon And Carlos / Rock Run Blues
Side Two
2. Roy Campbell / Reel It And Roll It
3. Moon Mullins & Mickey Hawks With The Night Raiders / Bip Bop Boom
4. Hender Saul / Hard Right To My Heart
5. The Martin Brothers / That Was Yesterday
6. Hender Saul & Billy Foley / One Step Away
White Label Records Data
Mickey Hawks With The Night Raiders
Hender Saul
⬇︎ Sitting In The Balcony🏠
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I'm praying from the bottom of my heart for the health and happiness of you and your family.
Have a wonderful day!